1):Measurements are unaffected by changes in fluid density, viscosity, temperature, pressure and conductivity. 2):No obstruction of fluid components in the measuring tube, no pressure loss, low requirements for straight pipe section 3):Series nominal diameter DN3-DN3000, sensor lining and electrode materials are available in a variety of options. 4):The converter adopts novel excitation mode, low power consumption, stable zero point and high precision. 5);The converter can be integrated with the sensor or separated 6):The converter adopts 16 high-performance microprocessor, 2x16LCD display, convenient parameter setting and reliable programming. 7):The flowmeter is a two-way measurement system with three calculators: positive total, reverse total and total difference; 8):The flowmeter can display positive and negative flow, and has multiple outputs: current, pulse, digital communication, HART. 9):The converter uses surface mount technology (SMT) with self-test and self-diagnosis. 10):Rubber and polyurethane lining sensors are essentially immersive structure 11):Explosion-proof instrument case for corresponding explosion-proof places.